Sunday, 23 January 2011

Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers' Convention 2011

ZoomWorks' photographer, Scott, spent three days at the SWPP's Annual Convention, which is the biggest event of its type in Europe.  Zoomworks are always keen to keep up to date with present trends in photography and any new developments.  The three days involved an intense schedule of seminars of with some of the best photographers in the world and a chance to discuss ideas with many photographers working in the same field.  It was a great event which has helped to fuel Scott's enthusiasm and inspriation still further.  The below are just a couple of quick shots taken during seminars when the opportunity presented itself!   

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Winter Photo Shoot

ZoomWorks Photography met up with model and hair stylist, Louise Leaves, shortly before Christmas for an evening photo shoot.  It was a very cold evening and turned out to be one of the busiest nights in London I've seen in a while!  However, we ended up with some great shots using the lights of the Hyde Park's Winter Wonderland in the background.  I just hope Louise didn't suffer too much from the effects of the cold!  There is a sample of the photos below with more in our gallery: